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Fre is a big support for me in my development, and I am so happy she came on my path. She helps you to become aware of the blocks that keep you from progressing; and then gives you really good insights and exercises to overcome them. Already after the first session I had learned so much about myself that I started to realise, for the first time,  what the deeper reasons were for my behavior and insecurities. It is impressive how she can reach you and helps you to go places where you have never been before; in a very constructive manner. I am so much more relaxed and effective now in my work and teachings; and in my personal life, I am much more directly connected with others instead of being ( self) critical. Last but not least; Fre is also a very nice and open person! 

Edwin  Mulder,

Teacher Training Academy




Life sucks. Well, not all the time, but it definitely does sometimes, right?

And very interestingly, most of the time life sucks not only because negative things are happening to us, but in some kind of funny way, we ourselves keep creating negative experiences out of the things that are happening to us.

And often: with the same results that we don't want.


In a serie of coaching-sessions, we dive into YOU.We navigate to the stuff that keeps you stuck, WE let go of stuff that doesnt serve you anymore; and we create space for a liberated, clear state; so you feel ready and energised to travel all of your horizons.



Ready to rumble? And tired of that voice inside, telling you to wait/hold back, stay small, be safe; that you're not good enough?



Something is gone. or lost. Or changed. Or maybe; everything has been the same for years. But you are done. You want something else. But what? And how?



Love touches the heart of everything. Break & transform your current dynamics, whether you're single or in a relationship, into a more open, safe and loving space.


Let's move fast forward, but dive deep, right to the spot where something aches or bothers you, work it out and continue revived, refocused and: ready to rock & roll.


Na een succesvol presentatiecoachingstraject met Fre heb ik haar gevraagd als loopbaancoach. Fre luistert, spiegelt, stelt aannames ter discussie en daagt mij uit. Bovenal dwingt ze me op een inspirerende manier om naar mijn diepste binnenste te luisteren. Ik ben er nu van overtuigd, dat ik, mede door de support van Fre, een mooie 'tweede helft' ga spelen. 

- Arie de Graaf, coordinator Change Office Rabobank



My first focus is in my work is YOU.

Playfully, roughly and lovingly we explore the whole of who you are; what you have become, what you truly are, what you might have forgotten along the way. Where your deepest desires would like to lead you.  

My goal is not just to make you become aware of what keeps you stuck; but to let you embody, and manifest, the whole of who you truly are and where this wants to leads you in your daily life.

I created a unique and very effective coaching & training method, which combines a tailor-made blend of psychological technics & bodywork, performance teachings and down to earth insights & exercises. I like to work fast forward.

My teachings are guided and inspired by many international mentors & trainings, among which are @Inner Bonding, The Max, Systematic work, various communication technics & deep transformational mind & body coaching.

Feel free to chat with me to find out whether I can be of your service.

I handle different tailor made rates for private customers, entrepreneurs and corporate clients. We will discuss your wishes & needs and I will send you a growth-plan with quotation. People with low cashflow can apply for a discount.

Up you go!

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